Letter from the Founder

Mila S.

20 May 2020

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Home Letter

The Story behind myAirpal

The Story behind myAirpal

Hi there,

Thank you for checking out our website and for using any of our services if you already have!

myAirpal services come from the heart. It all started with “I want to see my mom!” She lives in Indonesia, while I’m in the US and prior to last year, traveling had been easy for her because my dad was always with her. He was the more travel-savvy of the pair, so all my mom needed to do was to latch on and follow him around. At the end of 2018, dad lost his battle to cancer just a few weeks after being diagnosed. Life can be cruel sometimes.

As much as I would love to always be by my mom’s side like my dad used to be, I can’t, especially with being continents apart. There are times where I’m able to visit her often and times where I’m not even able to take just a few days off. It gets stricter when you take the air travel itself into account! Four airports, 2 layovers, and 28 hours later. She is also 14 hours ahead of me! Wish the math was easier.

After searching through several travel assistance options offered by airlines and private companies, I’ve found none with the more personalized and friendlier approach that I prefer. Most even require me to fill out a long form, only to get a quotation or a call back. I waited and kept an eye for an Indonesian friend or relative who might fly out of Indonesia to anywhere in the States. Would be faster for me to get my mom here within the country, so I thought. But, it’s not happening yet…

I just need somebody to help my mom primarily with the English language and navigating through international airports.I don’t blame her; big terminals are intimidating! And so it occurred to me “I need an Airpal for my mom!” An idea that came to fruition at the end of January, got paused by the coronavirus outbreak, and now successfully launched. So now, we humbly present this platform to connect seniors, people with disabilities, or those requiring special assistance with a travel buddy on the same flight.

Feel free to contact us for any feedback you have to improve our services. Here’s to traveling freely with a peace of mind and reuniting with our loved ones!

Yours sincerely,

Mila Supandi